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Meet The Artist 

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Mireya Marrero


I was born in a humble town named Jovellanos, Matanzas Province of Cuba. I first arrived in the United States with my parents when I was five years old. I was raised in Anaheim, California, from a young age and eventually moved out to the Inland Empire with my family. I have been interested in the Arts since I was a young girl. I have sweet memories of art contests I participated in since the second grade in Elementary School. I have always had a reserved personality, and art has allowed me the opportunity to express myself for many years creatively. Art has helped me build my identity over time and has been a significant part of building true autonomy. It has shaped the strong Latina I have become through so many life experiences. I have not only empowered myself as a woman but also found purpose within my art career. Pursuing an art career has allowed me to impact my community and advocate for topics I strongly support through my artwork.  


As an artist, I have always desired to create works of art that invite engagement with the audience. It is always rewarding to hear my art has made a profound connection with someone. I have a deeply rooted belief that art has the power to heal, educate, inspire, and empower generations; hence, every time I hear my works have accomplished these actions, the feeling I receive is priceless. From a young age, I have been blessed with a creative craft that has allowed me to find and use my voice which has been most essential. My brushes help me communicate my voice to the world. As a first-generation college student and daughter of Cuban-immigrant parents, my voice is important to me. I respond to the world around me by expressing my feelings and opinions through my artwork. I hope this can continue to inspire others and remind them that their voice matters, they matter, they have a purpose, they have an identity, and they need to be seen.  


I completed my Associate of Arts degree at Riverside City College, and obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration at California State University of Fullerton. I am a Illustrator with a passion for painting, and my works frequently tie both creative worlds together. My art style is comprised of many elements. I am inspired by surrealism, elements in nature, spirituality, and culture. You will see a great deal of symbolism, refined detail, movement, and narrative in my works of art. All of my artworks display specific personal attributes that describe me and what I find most important. My art is often focused on topics I feel passionate about, such as mental health and women's empowerment. My work has been an exploration of finding my unique style, building a strong voice, and creating an identity within this wild world that surrounds us. I look forward to a continued evolving creative journey up ahead. I feel blessed, grateful, and humbly honored the divine universe has gifted me with the opportunity to share my art with all of you. 

Artist Feature

SHOUTOUT SOCAL - Artist Online Article Feature 

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